WSO2 Developer Studio - Maven Multi Module Project - Git

Go inside to the Maven Multi Module Project from the command prompt

I have created one CAPP project and a ESB Config Projects. As you can see, following pom file and the two project files are there

pom.xml       testCAPP      testESBconfig

Then do a git init
Then add your git repository git remote add <remote_name> <repo_url>

git remote add origin

You could check the added remote by git remote -v

chanuka@Chanukas-MacBook-Pro.local:~/Desktop/new_folder/testreposix$git remote -v
origin (fetch)

origin (push)

If you need move to a new branch, do a git checkout <branch_name>
Else to create a new branch git checkout  -b <branch_name>

git checkout -b dev

Check whether there are any updates from other colleagues by the following command

git pull origin dev (dev is my branch name)

If you are the only one that's working on the repo, then do a git status , to will the changes

Then do git add * which will add all the changes.

Then do a git commit -m "my_commit_msg" which will commit the changes

The do a git push origin dev

Which will push the changes to the branch, after that your changes will be there like below in my dev branch

Then if a new person wants to work on this project,

Do a git clone <repo_name> Change to the related branch git checkout  dev

Go to Developer studio -> File -> import -> Existing WSO2 project

Then select the folder, you have cloned the git repo (This is the folder which contains the following files)

pom.xml       testCAPP      testESBconfig

Note: The folder which you cloned the above files, does not need to have the same name as your git repo or what your colleagues put as the name of their multi maven project.

This folder will act as your multi maven project folder to maintain the project structure.

Then when you are committing the changes, you go inside that folder and commit, as I explain in the earlier steps.


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