Ballerina version 1.0.0 Copy mysql-connector jar to home folder i.e. /Library/Ballerina/ballerina-1.0.0/distributions/jballerina-1.0.0/bre/lib Create local database call testdb and it has an Account table with columns idAccount, Name, Amount. sql_service.bal import ballerina/io; import ballerina/jsonutils; import ballerinax/java.jdbc; import ballerina/http; jdbc:Client testDB = new({ url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb", username: "root", password: "cioroot", poolOptions: { maximumPoolSize: 5 }, dbOptions: { useSSL: false } }); type Account record { string idAccount; string Name; string Amount; }; # A service representing a network-accessible API # bound to port `9090`. service getsalesstats on new http:Listener(9090) { # A resource respresenting an invokable API method...